The Erin Brockovich PG&E Case
The sore I use was from the website chasing the frog .com it has a Erin Brockovich story that says some things she said on what the story that the movie is based on. It says that in 1996 PG&E on the settlement with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that settled the case for $333 million. It says that this settlement was the largest settlement ever awarded in a direct-action lawsuit in the history of the United States. The same as in the movie it says the lawyers did get 40% that came to the amount of $133 million. Some of the victims were not happy that they received $300,000 each, after they were billed an extra $10 million for undetailed expenses and PG&E. But some had received less and others had received millions. It said that the reason why they had received that much was because of their medical records but the medical records were never looked at, said Carol Smith one of the victims after talking to his doctors then some of the plaintiffs their settlements, to seek the amount that they felt were more justified. As on Awesome said that PG&E were required to clean up the environment and to stop using chromium 6.
The plaintiff lawyer did good work and that Erin Brockovich was the person to bring the case all together. She was the one that cared the most about the case and gathered most of the evidence to support the PG&E case. Not how the movie said it but she did other thing to get what she needed for the case as you can read about her other cases too. That some in the movie are true but most of the movie is a lie they burg the essence of the case but the sugar coded something to try it sound not so bad. There is more to this store I know but this is all I could find. You could look and more of the true of the Anderson v. PG&E case.